A Lifetime Is a Promise to Keep: Poems of Huang Xiang
"孤絕沉湮眾聲裡、獨吟性情與本心。"美國柏克利加州大學(University of California, Berkeley)東亞研究學院中國語言研究中心(Center for Chinese Studies , Institute of East Asian Studies)最近出版黃翔詩歌另類風格的精選本《今生有約》(A Lifetime Is a Promise to Keep: Poems of Huang Xiang)。
此書列入加州大學"中國研究系列"叢書,為面向全球範圍的中英文雙語本,英譯者為戴維斯加州大學(University of California, Davis)東亞語言文學系的著名教授奚密(Michelle Yeh)女士,她被國際學術界公認為研究當代中國詩歌的最主要的學者。在當前全球中文熱的大背景上,黃翔詩歌"文化人體"以現代東方人文思維和語言的精神色彩和特徵面向世界。
有別於美國漢學家安德魯·愛默生(Andrew G. Emerson)先生此前翻譯的黃翔作品的第一個譯本《走出共產中國:黃翔雙語詩選》(A Bilingual Edition of Poetry Out of Communist China by Huang Xiang),《今生有約》一書呈現"獨釣寒江雪"者孤絕的性靈與風骨。如果說,前者如血肉賁張的"大江東去",洶湧歷史時空中消逝了去的不安與騷動;那麼,後者的主體特色卻更多為"小橋流水"般的澄澈與清靜。童年與故里、東方庭院、禪、純情之戀、剎那嘯聲、靜默震撼、莫名的憂傷、茶、死中覺醒、簡單活著、宇宙人體和形骸之外等等,凡此種種通常意義上的"形象描述",多為獨特的東方"精神像形"表現,逐一顯示在宇宙生命"浩瀚精神時空"潛在背景上,構成"赴約今生"的詩人黃翔重疊於生命內部的多層風景。
A Lifetime Is a Promise to Keep: Poems of Huang Xiang
Translation and Introduction: Michelle Yeh
China Research Monograph 63
2009. 128 pp.
ISBN 1-55729-096-2
"This book is required reading for anyone interested in contemporary Chinese poetry," according to an early reviewer.
Huang Xiang - poet, painter, and performer - is a native of the People's Republic of China now living in the United States in exile. In his homeland, he was sentenced to labor reform multiple times on the charge of being a counterrevolutionary, and his work has been banned there. Although he is a pioneer of the underground poetry movement in China, his poems are only now being appreciated by a wider audience.
A Lifetime Is a Promise to Keep contains an introduction to Huang Xiang and his poetry. According to the translator, Michelle Yeh, "As a poet, he addresses the perennial concerns with the inner self and the meaning of life." Regarding form, "Huang Xiang's prose poetry often begins as a pedestrian narrative, but as it unfolds, unexpected twists and turns are introduced, establishing roadblocks for readers and forcing them to read between the lines."
This book makes Huang Xiang's poems accessible to readers in a unique way - the original Chinese poems are placed on pages facing their English translations. A reviewer explains: "Students who have no Chinese knowledge can read the English; students who have some but not enough can use the English to help them understand the Chinese; advanced graduate students can read the Chinese and see the choices a veteran translator makes in rendering the original into English."
Michelle Yeh is Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of California, Davis. A leading scholar of modern Chinese poetry, she has edited and translated many works of the same, including the Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry and Modern Chinese Poetry: Theory and Practice since 1911.
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