他在北京奧運會上彈奏。他也在歐巴馬的諾貝爾獎儀式上彈奏。他在白宮為保羅麥卡特尼彈奏。就是那一次,卡特尼開了個愚蠢的反布希的笑話, 這讓郎郎和歐巴馬那群人像狗一樣地大笑。上星期他又在歐巴馬歡迎胡錦濤的國宴上彈奏。
他彈的是什麼曲子? 最引人注意和意味深長的是,他彈了首很有名的反美宣傳歌曲。也就是,在中國很有名。魏京生,這個自1997年以來就被流放的偉大的中國民主運動領袖,就此給美國國會和國務卿克林頓寫了一封信。他說:「我聽了一下,大吃一驚。」他進而解釋這首《我的國家》或《我的祖國》的歌,是來自於「最著名的關於朝鮮戰爭的共產黨的宣傳電影」,描寫的是中國軍隊與美國人作戰。電影的名字叫<<上甘嶺>>。 魏京生說,那個電影在中國家喻戶曉,就像<<飄>>在美國那樣。
這首歌指美國人為「豺狼」,並說中國人要用武器來對付他們。 魏京生評論到:「在美國總統的國宴上演奏這樣的歌曲,難道不是對美國國家的極大羞辱嗎?難怪胡錦濤非常高興。」的確,難怪。正像魏京生指出的,胡錦濤不是個通常在公眾前表示感情的人,但他卻激動地擁抱了郎朗。
大紀元時報引述在費城的中國心理醫生楊京端的話:「在所有的中國人眼裡,這絕對是對美國人的巨大侮辱。這像被當面侮辱,卻還不知道,非常地羞辱人。」在魏京生的信中,他談到因為《我的祖國》在白宮的演奏,那些支持中共及其專制的中國憤青欣喜若狂。其中的一個呼喊道:「正確的地方,正確的時間,正確的歌!」(如<<大紀元>>文章中所解釋,這措辭來自於共產黨的宣傳。 )
真是好樣的,郎朗。每個獨裁政權裡,都有他們的官方藝術家。納粹政權有,前蘇聯有,所有最糟糕的政權都有。郎朗被選為官方藝術家的一員。當然,又老又壞的美國幫了他不少忙。他來這裡完成了他的音樂教育。他在費城的柯蒂斯音樂學院上學,從師格拉夫曼(Gray Graffman)。他得到這自由的社會中生活和工作的種種好處。這與郎朗那些囚禁於勞改營--中國的古拉格--的同胞們是何種對比。
A Song and an Obscenity
January 24, 2011 10:18 A.M.
By Jay Nordlinger
Last week, I had a note in this space about Lang Lang, who has become a kind of court pianist for President Obama and the Chinese leadership — the Chinese dictatorship, to put it more bluntly.
He played at the Beijing Olympics. He played at Obama’s Nobel ceremony. He played at the White House event for Paul McCartney — the one at which McCartney made a ridiculous anti-Bush crack, which caused Lang Lang and the Obama crowd to laugh like hyenas. And he played at Obama’s state dinner last week for Hu Jintao.
What did he play? Most notably and significantly, he played a famous anti-American propaganda song. Famous in China, that is. Wei Jingsheng, the great Chinese democracy leader, exiled in the United States since 1997, wrote a letter to Congress and Secretary of State Clinton. He said, 「I listened to that music with a big shock.」 Wei explained that the song, 「My Country,」 or 「My Motherland,」 comes from 「the best-known Communist propaganda movie about the Korean War,」 depicting the Chinese army’s fight with the Americans. The movie is called The Battle of Triangle Hill. Wei said that the movie is as well-known in China as Gone with the Wind is here.
The song refers to the Americans as 「wolves」 or 「jackals,」 and says that the Chinese will use weapons to deal with them. Wei commented, 「Is that not an insult to the USA to play such . . . music at a state dinner hosted by the US President? No wonder it made Hu Jintao really happy.」 Yes, no wonder. As Wei pointed out, Hu is not ordinarily given to public emotion, but he emotionally embraced Lang Lang.
An article in the Epoch Times reports on an interview that Lang Lang gave to a Hong Kong-based TV outlet. He said that he himself chose to play that song. 「I thought to play ‘My Motherland’ because I think playing the tune at the White House banquet can help us, as Chinese people, feel extremely proud of ourselves and express our feelings through the song.」 The act of playing this song at the White House will have, and has had, an effect that most Americans would find difficult to comprehend.
The Epoch Times quotes a Chinese psychiatrist living in Philadelphia, Yang Jingduan: 「In the eyes of all Chinese, this will not be seen as anything other than a big insult to the U.S. It’s like insulting you in your face and you don’t know it, it’s humiliating.」 In his letter, Wei said that so-called patriotic Chinese — supporters of the Communist party and the dictatorship — were ecstatic over 「My Motherland」 at the White House. One such 「patriotic Chinese」 exclaimed, 「The right place, right time, right song!」 (This is a phrase with roots in CCP propaganda, as the Epoch Times article explains.)
Well, nice going, Lang Lang. In and around every dictatorship, there are official artists. The Nazis had them, the Soviets had them — all the worst have them. Lang Lang has chosen to be an official artist. Of course, the bad old USA has helped him a lot. He came here to complete his musical education. He studied at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia with Gary Graffman. He has had the countless benefits of living and working in a free society. What a contrast with Lang Lang’s fellow Chinese who languish in laogai, that country’s gulag.
This is one pianist who stands with the persecutors, not with the persecuted. Wei Jingsheng, Gao Zhisheng — those are great Chinese, the pride of the nation. Lang Lang, and Hu Jintao, for that matter, are very different Chinese.
Obama’s hosting of Hu, and what amounts to a celebration of that dictatorship, has been a disaster, from nearly every point of view. George W. Bush did not grant Hu a state visit. Hu settled for a more modest visit — the kind the head of a police state should settle for, in a liberal democracy. Bush gave him a polite lunch and sent him on his way. Obama created the opportunity for a great CCP propaganda victory. The dictatorship is delighted, and the prisoners, dissidents, and democrats feel something else.
Nice going, Obama. Real nice. Is it 2012 yet?
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