读者来信: 关于麻省理工的“海龟”是怎样看国内的城市?

发表:2004-02-07 07:27
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读者朋友们, 今天我们选发的文章:“麻省理工的“海龟”是怎样看国内的城市?”一文刊出后, 引发读者强烈的反响, 接连收到热心读者的来信, 表示对此文的异议, 在此我们选登几篇. 一方面感谢所有读者对我们"看中国"网站的支持和爱护, 另一方面对由于我们编辑的疏忽所造成的对于善良的法轮功学员的伤害和对于广大读者的误导表示深深的歉意, 并请读者们继续关心,爱护,监督我们的网站, 使她越办越好. 谢谢!


贵网站刊登的“麻省理工的“海龟”是怎样看国内的城市?”一文有句话对法轮功人士的有所不尊重,不知道作者是有意还是无意,文中提到"FLG是XX" 在此我建议作者能修改一下,否则这样有损法轮功人士的感情。

一位“看中国”忠实的读者 2004-2-7
Dear editor:

I guess that the author can probably be reminded that while
he recognize the brainwash of China's propaganda, and advocate for modern values of western society, he should then probably think twice on repeating CG's propaganda against FLG, and realized that it is against modern values of western society to call FLG xxx.

Recently Canadian court ruled a Chinese consulate officer libel doing exactly what this author was doing in this article.

Also, the way you posted this article on your website, almost gave reader the impression that the article was authorized by your reporter.

For secretChina's reputation, it is probably better to put the source of the articles in a pair of bracket "( xxxx )" immediately after the square bracket "[Reported by SEcrectChina]" at the beginning of every article.
Kind regards,
and thanks for constantly bring good articles to readers.
- Jillian

Dear Sir:
I have read your posting carefully. Unfortunately I’ve found you have some misunderstanding about Falun Gong. It may be difficult to understand all of the teachings of Falun Gong without comprehensive reading and reasoning (http://www.falundafa.org ). Yet the major teaching of “Truth Compassion Tolerance” (Zhen Shan Ren) is really a noble cause that has been guiding millions of Falun Gong practitioners all over the world. Being a scientist trained in the United States, I have found that Falun Gong practice provides considerable health benefit. As mankind can only know a little bit in this boundless universe, we should always keep an open mind and be prepared to advance our knowledge and well being with our intelligence, wisdom, and rationality.

Out of jealousy, on July 20, 1999, the evil head--Jiang Zemin in China initiated an all-out persecution of Falun Gong that teaches “Truth Compassion Tolerance”. For more than four years, nearly one hundred million Falun Gong practitioners have suffered from the violation of their constitutional right--freedom of belief; hundreds of thousands have been arrested, imprisoned, and tortured in violation of their human rights; more than 850 have died from this cruel persecution (http://www.minghui.ca).

In front of such heinous atrocity and cruelty, Falun Gong practitioners have been consistently peaceful in bringing this inhumane persecution to the end. Through the media of NTDTV and the Epoch Times, Falun Gong has even been showing amazing grace at such a difficult moment of history.

If you need further information on our research on the health benefit of Falun Gong practice, please do not hesitate to contact me ([email protected]).

Zhongjian Lu, Ph.D.
5123 Dudley Lane
Bethesda, MD 20814

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