联合国最近发布了联合国人权委员会强调中共对中国人民严重违反人权达恐怖主义程度的报告。联合国 “酷刑问题”特派专员称之为“来自当权者的恐怖主义”。最大面积的人权迫害就是中共对一亿法轮功学员的迫害。联合国工作组关于中共强迫人做奴工的报告不仅否定了中共造谣诬陷法轮功的谎言,而且指出中共自己正是杀人者--近3000个经过细节核查的死亡案例和4400个酷刑案例,而这只是揭开了劳教所里发生大量的死亡数字和每日大面积酷刑的冰山一角。”
Lord Thurlow's speech on HR day
There are many terrible cases from governements abusing the freedom of their citizens throughout the world: Africa,Asia,South America and in Europe Byelorussia. But the Governement and country that far exceeds any other in the scale, range and intensity of abuses is the Chinese Communist Government. Today we put a spotlight on China to counteract the uncritical media hype of china's commercial and industrial expansion,incidentally fuelled mainly by foreign investment.
The United Nation itself has recently issued a report of its sub commission on Hunman Rights that emphasises the gross violations that amount to terrorism by the Chinese Communist Government against its own people.The Special Rapporteur calls it 'terrorism from above'.The main focus in China is the violent assault on practitioners of Falun Gong for the last six years,assessed at 100 million in number in 1999.The UN Working Group on contemporary forms of slavery flatly denies CCP attemps to justify irs persecution by accusing Falun Gong. On the contrary the Working Group states that the only deaths has been at the hands of the chinese authorities themselves-nearly 3,000 deaths have been verified in details and over 44,000 cases of torture. This is only the tip of a concealed iceberg of a vastly greater death roll and daily torture on a wide scale in the slave labour camps.
Recently there has been an addition to the extensive list of officially encouraged torture methods in the form of deliberately organised rape. For instance the recent rape of a 51 year old wife and mother in Hubei province to deter Falun Gong practitioners from speaking out about torture during the Special Rapportreur's visit to camps and prisons in Beijing.
Products of slave labour
Vast profits are made by forced labour in the hundreds of slave labour camps throughout China - a figure of 700 huge camps has been mentioned with a total of nearly 1 million detainees, at least half innocent Falun Gong practitioners.
Mr Heping Li, now resident in UK with ayslum, was setained at a labour camp illegally between 2001 and 2003 for practicing Falun Gong and forced to make cigarette lights and alarm clocks for most of the day, destined for the Western market. This camp made $10 million profit per year for such products, receiving an award from the CCP government.
we need to identify Western companies trading in such products to reduce such disgraceful trade.
Are the abuses of hunman rights in China being reduced?Western Governments receive assurances in the 6 monthly official dialogues that improvements will be made.There has been no action to implement. On the contrary under President Hu Jintao the persecution of Falun Gong has intensified. China remains a mind prison with access to overseas news reports blocked. Its people are allowed to know only what the Communist Party wishes, including ficitious versions of past. Attempts are made to cover up bad news such as the outbreaks of SARS and Bird Flu until they cannot be concealed any longer. The poisoning of rivers on a huge scale making water undrinkable has recently also been unsuccessfully covered up.
The relative freeding up of industry and commerce has not been matched by a trickle down effect in the political sphere. It is an illusion to thinnk that the Eastern Europe example of replacement of communist rule will be the same in China.
But the foundatipons of commmunist support have cracked. The six million resignations from the Communist Party following the publication a year ago of the truths of its terrible history of murder and oppression is the biggest threat yet experienced by the CCP. Such resignations have now been rendered an offence. Reluctant party menbers are locked in. It cannot last.
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