但事实是,中共政权中参与非法迫害法轮功的人害怕世人知道真相,他们在知道我与李宏元以公开信的方式给您写了讲真相的信后,反而加剧了对我父母的迫害,我 父亲张兴武至今还在被非法关押在山东省济南市看守所,失去自由,遭受折磨。母亲刘品杰,7月16日,在遭到中共政权的土匪警察非法绑架时,因不堪折磨,出 现生命危险,中共政权的违法警察在非法关押了我母亲24小时,勒索了我家人一万元人民币后,才以"保外就医"的形式释放了我母亲,但是拒绝归还我父母的住 房达两个星期,使我生活不能自理的母亲四处流落。我母亲坚持信仰,身体状况稍有好转,在8月6日到山东省济南市中区的魏家庄派出所索要自己被抄财物清单时,又 被魏家庄派出所的警察非法绑架,投入看守所。我母亲已是67岁的老人,经受这样的非人折磨,当时就血压升高,生命出现危险,但无人性的魏家庄派出所的警察至今还在非法 关押我母亲。我母亲的生命时刻处于危险中。
布什先生,当我们读到您的这篇著名的演讲时,尤其是我们看到您指出了"共产主义在中国和苏联夺走数千万人生 命," , "他们有在大跃进和文化大革命中死于非命的中国人," , "我们为这座纪念碑举行落成典礼,因为我们有义务让未来子孙记录下20世纪的罪行,并保证未来不再重蹈覆辙。" 就觉得您是一名对历史有深刻见解的政治家。在当今中国以共产主义邪理为其立国之本的中共政权独裁统治下,每天都有大量无辜的中国民众还在遭受着不可想象的身体和精神迫害, 事实真相甚至比当年的大跃进和文化大革命还有惨烈。我们父母的遭遇就是这样千百万例中的一例。
当我们看到您要到中国参加中共独裁政权举办的所谓的奥运会时,我们虽然感到不解,但看到您承诺,将带着"自由的讯息"前往北京参加奥运,我们也希望您能帮助 恢复中共政权中某些人的 人性,找回自己的良知,停止迫害法轮功,帮助我们的父母早日重获自由。我们以公开信的方式给您写这封信,也是希望能看到这封信的美国人,中国人,全世界所有有正义感的人,都来制止中共政权迫害法轮功的反人类罪行。
实施绑架地方派出所: 魏家庄派出所
所长: 种伟 86157559
我们为这座纪念碑举行落成典礼,因为我们对那些死难者负有义务,去铭刻他们的生命,尊崇他们的记忆。捷克作家米兰.昆德拉曾经将反抗共产主义的斗争形容为 "记忆对抗遗忘的斗争"。共产党政权不仅夺走了受难者的生命,他们还企图盗窃他们的人性,抹杀他们的记忆。随着这个纪念碑的落成,我们要恢复受害者的人性,恢复对他们的记忆。随着这个纪念碑的落成,我们记述了共产主义无辜的无名受难者,他们活在我们的心中,他们再也不会被遗忘!(掌声)
President Bush Attends Dedication of Victims of Communism Memorial
Washington, D.C.
10:35 A.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. Please be seated. Dr. Edwards, thanks for your kind words.
Congressman Lantos -- no better friend to freedom, by the way; Congressman Rohrabacher, the same.
Members of the Czech and Hungarian parliaments; ambassadors; distinguished guests; and more importantly, the survivors of Communist oppression, I'm honored to join you on this historic day. (Applause.)
President George W. Bush addresses his remarks Tuesday, June 12, 2007, at the dedication ceremony for the Victims of Communism Memorial in Washington, D.C. President Bush, in recalling the lessons of the Cold War said, " that freedom is precious and cannot be taken for granted; that evil is real and must be confronted." White House photo by Joyce Boghosian And here in the company of men and women who resisted evil and helped bring down an empire, I proudly accept the Victims of Communism Memorial on behalf of the American people. (Applause.)
The 20th century will be remembered as the deadliest century in human history. And the record of this brutal era is commemorated in memorials across this city. Yet, until now, our Nation's Capital had no monument to the victims of imperial Communism, an ideology that took the lives of an estimated 100 million innocent men, women and children. So it's fitting that we gather to remember those who perished at Communism's hands, and dedicate this memorial that will enshrine their suffering and sacrifice in the conscience of the world.
Building this memorial took more than a decade of effort, and its presence in our capital is a testament to the passion and determination of two distinguished Americans: Lev Dobriansky, whose daughter Paula is here -- (applause) -- give your dad our best. And Dr. Lee Edwards. (Applause.)
They faced setbacks and challenges along the way, yet they never gave up, because in their hearts, they heard the voices of the fallen crying out:"Remember us."
These voices cry out to all, and they're legion.
The sheer numbers of those killed in Communism's name are staggering, so large that a precise count is impossible. According to the best scholarly estimate, Communism took the lives of tens of millions of people in China and the Soviet Union, and millions more in North Korea, Cambodia, Africa, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Eastern Europe, and other parts of the globe.
Behind these numbers are human stories of individuals with families and dreams whose lives were cut short by men in pursuit of totalitarian power. Some of Communism's victims are well-known. They include a Swedish diplomat named Raoul Wallenberg, who saved 100,000 Jews from the Nazis, only to be arrested on Stalin's orders and sent to Moscow's Lubyanka Prison, where he disappeared without a trace. They include a Polish priest named Father Popieluszko, who made his Warsaw church a sanctuary for the Solidarity underground, and was kidnaped, and beaten, and drowned in the Vitsula by the secret police.
The sacrifices of these individuals haunt history -- and behind them are millions more who were killed in anonymity by Communism's brutal hand.
They include innocent Ukrainians starved to death in Stalin's Great Famine; or Russians killed in Stalin's purges; Lithuanians and Latvians and Estonians loaded onto cattle cars and deported to Arctic death camps of Soviet Communism. They include Chinese killed in the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution; Cambodians slain in Pol Pot's Killing Fields; East Germans shot attempting to scale the Berlin Wall in order to make it to freedom; Poles massacred in the Katyn Forest; and Ethiopians slaughtered in the"Red Terror"; Miskito Indians murdered by Nicaragua's Sandinista dictatorship; and Cuban balseros who drowned escaping tyranny. We'll never know the names of all who perished, but at this sacred place, Communism's unknown victims will be consecrated to history and remembered forever.
President George W. Bush addresses his remarks Tuesday, June 12, 2007, at the dedication ceremony for the Victims of Communism Memorial in Washington, D.C. President Bush, speaking on the anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's Berlin Wall speech, said " It's appropriate that on the anniversary of that speech, that we dedicate a monument that reflects our confidence in freedom's power." White House photo by Joyce Boghosian We dedicate this memorial because we have an obligation to those who died, to acknowledge their lives and honor their memory.
The Czech writer Milan Kundera once described the struggle against Communism as"the struggle of memory against forgetting." Communist regimes did more than take their victims' lives; they sought to steal their humanity and erase their memory.
With this memorial, we restore their humanity and we reclaim their memory. With this memorial, we say of Communism's innocent and anonymous victims, these men and women lived and they shall not be forgotten. (Applause.)
We dedicate this memorial because we have an obligation to future generations to record the crimes of the 20th century and ensure they're never repeated. In this hallowed place we recall the great lessons of the Cold War: that freedom is precious and cannot be taken for granted; that evil is real and must be confronted; and that given the chance, men commanded by harsh and hateful ideologies will commit unspeakable crimes and take the lives of millions.
It's important that we recall these lessons because the evil and hatred that inspired the death of tens of millions of people in the 20th century is still at work in the world. We saw its face on September the 11th, 2001. Like the Communists, the terrorists and radicals who attacked our nation are followers of a murderous ideology that despises freedom, crushes all dissent, has expansionist ambitions and pursues totalitarian aims. Like the Communists, our new enemies believe the innocent can be murdered to serve a radical vision. Like the Communists, our new enemies are dismissive of free peoples, claiming that those of us who live in liberty are weak and lack the resolve to defend our free way of life. And like the Communists, the followers of violent Islamic radicalism are doomed to fail.
(Applause.) By remaining steadfast in freedom's cause, we will ensure that a future American President does not have to stand in a place like this and dedicate a memorial to the millions killed by the radicals and extremists of the 21st century.
We can have confidence in the power of freedom because we've seen freedom overcome tyranny and terror before. Dr. Edwards said President Reagan went to Berlin. He was clear in his statement. He said, "tear down the wall," and two years later the wall fell. And millions across Central and Eastern Europe were liberated from unspeakable oppression. It's appropriate that on the anniversary of that speech, that we dedicate a monument that reflects our confidence in freedom's power.
The men and women who designed this memorial could have chosen an image of repression for this space, a replica of the wall that once divided Berlin, or the frozen barracks of the Gulag, or a killing field littered with skulls. Instead, they chose an image of hope -- a woman holding a lamp of liberty. She reminds us of the victims of Communism, and also of the power that overcame Communism.
Like our Statue of Liberty, she reminds us that the flame for freedom burns in every human heart, and that it is a light that cannot be extinguished by the brutality of terrorists or tyrants. And she reminds us that when an ideology kills tens of millions of people, and still ends up being vanquished, it is contending with a power greater than death. (Applause.) She reminds us that freedom is the gift of our Creator, freedom is the birthright of all humanity, and in the end, freedom will prevail. (Applause.)
I thank each of you who made this memorial possible for your service in freedom's cause. I thank you for your devotion to the memory of those who lost their lives to Communist terror. May the victims of Communism rest in peace. May those who continue to suffer under Communism find their freedom. And may the God who gave us liberty bless this great memorial and all who come to visit her.
God bless. (Applause.)
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