2019年5月13日 早晨07:09
Democrat Rep. Tlaib is being slammed for her horrible and highly insensitive statement on the Holocaust. She obviously has tremendous hatred of Israel and the Jewish people. Can you imagine what would happen if I ever said what she said, and says?
2019年5月13日 早晨06:59
Bernie Sanders, “The Economy is doing well, and I’m sure I don’t have to give Trump any credit - I’m sure he’ll take all the credit that he wants.” Wrong Bernie, the Economy is doing GREAT, and would have CRASHED if my opponent (and yours), Crooked Hillary Clinton, had ever won!
伯尼.桑德斯,“经济状况良好,但我确信我不会给川普任何荣誉,我肯定他将会得到他想要的所有荣誉。” 伯尼你错误了,经济正在振兴,不过可能早就崩溃了,如果我的对手(也是你的),狡猾的希拉里克林顿赢了的话!
2019年5月13日 早晨04:29
Has anyone noticed that all the Boston @RedSox have done is WIN since coming to the White House! Others also have done very well. The White House visit is becoming the opposite of being on the cover of Sports Illustrated! By the way, the Boston players were GREAT guys!
2019年5月13日 早晨04:02
The unexpectedly good first quarter 3.2% GDP was greatly helped by Tariffs from China. Some people just don’t get it!
2019年5月13日 早晨03:56
Also, congratulations to @OANN on the great job you are doing and the big ratings jump (“thank you President Trump”)!
2019年5月13日 早晨03:52
Thank you @foxandfriends, great show this morning and congratulations on your number one (by far) rating. Well deserved!
2019年5月13日 早晨03:49
I say openly to President Xi & all of my many friends in China that China will be hurt very badly if you don’t make a deal because companies will be forced to leave China for other countries. Too expensive to buy in China. You had a great deal, almost completed, & you backed out!
2019年5月13日 早晨03:40
..There will be nobody left in China to do business with. Very bad for China, very good for USA! But China has taken so advantage of the U.S. for so many years, that they are way ahead (Our Presidents did not do the job). Therefore, China should not retaliate-will only get worse!
2019年5月13日 早晨03:40
....completely avoided if you by from a non-Tariffed Country, or you buy the product inside the USA (the best idea). That’s Zero Tariffs. Many Tariffed companies will be leaving China for Vietnam and other such countries in Asia. That’s why China wants to make a deal so badly!...
2019年5月13日 早晨03:40
Their is no reason for the U.S. Consumer to pay the Tariffs, which take effect on China today. This has been proven recently when only 4 points were paid by the U.S., 21 points by China because China subsidizes product to such a large degree. Also, the Tariffs can be.....
2019年5月13日 早晨03:09
information! As long as President Trump is President, his opposition will use every tool, and misuse every tool available, to make his life miserable.” @TomFitton @JudicialWatch @LouDobbs Sadly, this proves I am doing a great job - Also, Best Economy and Employment Numbers EVER!
信息!只要川普总统仍是总统,他的反对者就会使用每一种工具,并滥用所有可利用的工具,使他的生活变得悲惨。“@ TomFitton @JudicialWatch @LouDobbs可悲的是,这证明我做得很好 – 而且,永远呈现最好的经济和就业数字!
2019年5月13日 早晨03:09
“It’s the attack strategy of harass. This is not about the Attorney General, who is very sophisticated & knows it isn’t about him, it’s about trying to destroy President Trump through an assault on his AG for upholding the rule of law. He released a massive amount of......
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