【川普】担心香港 不愿看到暴力镇压(全文翻译 上)

发表:2019-08-17 05:01
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Remarks by President Trump Before Air Force Once Departure | Morristown, NJ

Issued on: August 15, 2019

Morristown Municipal Airport

Morristown, New Jersey

5:07 P.M. EDT
美东时间 下午5:07

THE PRESIDENT:  So, tremendous retail numbers were announced today, which really is a great indicator of how well our country is doing, how well our economy is doing.  Those are real numbers.  Walmart announced; others announced.  We had some tremendous numbers come out today, which I’m sure you saw.  So we’re very happy about that.  We’re doing very well.

The economy is incredible.  The consumer — probably above all else, the consumer is doing incredibly.
经济状况好的令人难以置信。消费者 - 可能最重要的是,消费者做得非常好。

So, go ahead.  Any questions?

Q What actions are you prepared to take to avoid a recession if this yield curve thing is really predictive?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I think we’re going to have a very long period of wealth and success.  Other countries are doing very poorly.  As you know, China is doing very, very poorly.  The tariffs have really bitten into China.  They haven’t bitten into us at all — except for the reporters that want to make it look that way, but they don’t understand what’s happening.
总统:我认为我们将有非常长一段时间的财富增长和成功。其它国家的表现非常糟糕。如你所知,中国的表现非常非常糟糕。关税真的重创了中国,而根本没有伤及我们 - 除了那些想让它看起来那样的记者们,但是他们不明白正在发生什么。

The tariffs, we’ve taken in close to $60 billion in tariff money.  And the consumer has not paid for them.  Now, at some point, they may have to pay something.  But they understand that.  And who really understands that is our great farmer.  The farmers of this country really understand it.  They know we had to do something about China, and we’re doing something about China.

With that being said, I think we’re having very good discussions with China.  They very much want to make a deal.  We’ll see what happens.  We had a deal and they decided not to make it.  Now, I think they would like to have had that opportunity again, because I think they really would —
话虽如此,我认为我们正在与中国进行非常好的讨论。他们非常希望达成协议。我们看看将会发生什么。我们曾达成过协议,他们决定反悔。现在,我认为他们希望再次有机会,因为我认为他们真的会 -

Q Mr. President —
问:总统先生 -

THE PRESIDENT:  I think they really missed a great opportunity.  I think they feel that they missed a great opportunity.  But China very much wants to make a deal.  We’re talking to them.  We’ll see what happens.


Q Why did you feel the need to get involved in the two congresswomen’s trip to Israel?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I’m only involved from the standpoint of they are very anti-Jewish and they’re very anti-Israel.  I think it’s disgraceful, the things they’ve said.  You have lists of — and this isn’t just a one-line mistake; what they’ve said about Israel and Jewish people is a horrible thing.  And they’ve become the face of the Democrat Party.
总统:嗯,我介入此事由于他们非常反犹太人的立场,他们非常反以色列。我认为这很可耻,他们所说的话。你有列表 - 这不仅仅是一个单句的错误;他们对以色列和犹太民族所说的话是一件可怕的事。他们已成为民主党的脸谱。

So I did absolutely put out a very strong statement.  I think, if you look at their language, if you look at what they’ve said, if I ever said it, it would be a — it would be a horrible — it would be a horrible month, to put it mildly.
所以我的确发出了非常强烈的声明。我想,如果你看看他们的语言,如果你看看他们所说的话,如果我曾经说过,那将是一个 - 这将是一个可怕的 - 这将是一个可怕的月份,温和的说。

So the things that they’ve said — Omar, Tlaib — what they’ve said is disgraceful.  So I can’t imagine why Israel would let them in.  But if they want to let them in, they can.  But I can’t imagine why they would do it.
所以他们所说的话 - 奥马尔,特莱布 - 他们说的话是可耻的。所以我无法想像为什么以色列会让他们进去。但如果他们想让她们进去,他们可以这么做。但我无法想像为什么他们会这样做。

Q Are you worried that a prolonged trade war with China will pitch the economy into a recession?

THE PRESIDENT:  No, I think the longer the trade war goes on, the weaker China gets and the stronger we get.  We’re taking in massive amounts of money.  Billions and billions of dollars, Steve, as you know.  And I think the longer it goes, the stronger we get.  I have a feeling it’s going to go fairly short.  I think it’s going to be –
总统:不,我认为贸易战持续的时间越长,中国会越弱,我们就会越强。我们正在收取大量资金。史蒂夫,如你所知,数百亿美元。而且我认为时间越长,我们就越强大。我有一种感觉就是贸易战会变得相对短暂。我认为这将会 -

China has lost millions of jobs; you saw that reported today.  Thousands of companies are closing in China.  And I don’t know, you know, maybe they want to do this for a year.  They’d love to have somebody like Biden, who doesn’t know what he’s doing.  I mean, I just put a clip where he said, “Oh, we want to build up China.  We want to build up China.”  Well, they gave us a very strong China.  China has taken out over $500 billion a year for many years from our country.  And that’s not going to happen anymore.

Q Sir, just —
问:先生,只是 -

Q How concerned are you — let me just follow up, sorry.
问:您有多大担忧 - 让我跟进,抱歉。

Q Sure. It’s okay.

Q How concerned are you about a violent crackdown by the Chinese in Hong Kong?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I am concerned.  I wouldn’t want to see a violent crackdown.  I put a little bit of a memo out last night.  He’s a man I like a lot.  I get along with him very well — President Xi.
总统:好吧,我很担心。我不想看到暴力镇压。我昨晚发了一点备忘录。他是我很喜欢的人。我和他相处得非常好 - 习主席。

And I said that I would be willing to bet that if he sat down with the protesters — a group of representative protesters — I bet he’d work it out in 15 minutes.  I bet he’d work it out very quickly.  I know it’s not the kind of thing he does, but I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea.  I really believe if he sat down — they have a certain little leadership pool.  If he sat down with that leadership pool, I’ll bet he’d work something out very quickly.
而且我说,我愿意打赌,如果他(习近平)和抗议者 - 一群有代表性的抗议者 - 坐下来,我打赌他会在15分钟内解决问题。我打赌他很快就会解决问题。我知道这不是他做的那种事,但我认为这不是一个坏主意。我真的相信如果他坐下来 - 他们有一个小领导班子。如果他与那个领导班子坐在一起,我敢打赌他很快就能解决问题。

It really seems like things — it could be worked out pretty easily.
它看起来很像 – 事情可以很容易地得到解决。

Q Did you speak with Prime Minister Netanyahu about the congresswomen coming?

THE PRESIDENT:  I don’t want to comment about who I spoke to, but I think my social media statement pretty well speaks for itself.  I feel that they are so anti-Israel, so anti-Jewish.  Again, if other people made that statement, there would have been hell to pay.  So — but I did speak to people over there.
总统:我不想评论我和谁的谈话,但我认为我的社交媒体声明很好的说明了一切。我觉得他们是如此反以色列,如此反犹太人。再说一次,如果其他人发表了这样的声明,就会付出沉重的代价。所以 - 但我确实是对那边的人民说了这样的话。


Q Sir, China has said that they want to retaliate, that they’re going to retaliate because of the tariffs increase that you announced.  What’s your response to that?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, if they did retaliate — which I don’t think they will do because we’re talking to them and they’re offering things that are very good.  I don’t think they’ll retaliate.  But if they did, we have the ultimate form of retaliation.  I think that they’d have very few jobs left in China, because we’d be able to step it up.
总统:好吧,如果他们做了报复 - 我认为他们不会做,因为我们正在与他们交谈,他们提供的东西非常好。我不认为他们会报复。但如果他们这样做了,我们有最终的报复形式。我认为他们所剩的工作很少(意思是失业率高),因为我们能够使情况更严重。

Just so you understand, I’ve been very mild about it.  Very, very mild.  There’s a long way I can go.  And somebody had to take on what was happening with China.  We can’t allow China to take, out of our country, $507 billion every year, not including intellectual property theft and so many other things.

So, we’re having very good talks with China.  I think things will happen, but we’ll see.

Q If they do retaliate, will you want your team to meet with them in September as planned, or no?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, that’s too — I — look, September, the meeting is still on, as I understand it.  But I think, more importantly than September, we’re talking by phone and we’re having very productive talks.  They would like to do something, I will tell you that.
总统:嗯,那也是 - 我 - 看,9月,会面仍计划进行,据我所知。但我认为,比9月更重要的是,我们通过电话交谈,我们正在进行非常富有成效的会谈。他们想做点什么,我会告诉你的。

And the talk we had a few days ago with my two representatives, nobody knew what was on that talk except for myself, China, and those two people.  That was a very good conversation.

Q Do you want Jay Powell to cut interest rates some more?
问:您想要杰伊•鲍威尔(Jay Powell)再降息吗?

THE PRESIDENT:  Jay Powell should be cutting rates because every country all over the world is cutting, and we want to stay, sort of, even.  And I don’t mind if we’re higher — we’re better — we’re a better credit — but we’re way too high.  Jay Powell has made a big mistake.  He raised them too fast, and he also quantitative tightened.  He did quantitative tightening.  That was a big mistake — $50 billion a month.  And it put us in a position.
总统:杰伊•鲍威尔应该降低利率,因为全世界每个国家都在降低,我们大概维持现状。而且我不介意我们(利率)是否更高 - 我们情况更好 - 我们有一个更好的信用 - 但我们太高了。杰伊•鲍威尔犯了一个大错。他提升得太快了,他也从数量上收紧了。他在数量上紧缩。这是一个很大的错误 - 每个月500亿美元。它让我们处于一个位置。

And interestingly, even with normalized interest rates, President Obama was paying nothing.  And we have a much better economy.

And you have to look at our economy also from the day after my election, because we picked up tremendous steam the day after the election.  That’s not attributable to President Obama.  They only did that because of us.

So when somebody says “from January 20th,” it’s not from January 20th; it’s from November 9th, the day after the election.  We picked up.  The fact that I won lifted our economy greatly.  And if I didn’t win, it would go down.  And, frankly, if, for some reason that happened in the 2020 election, you’ll see this economy go down the tubes.  I will tell you that right now.
所以有人说“从1月20日开始”,其实它不是从1月20日开始的; 它是从11月9日,即大选后的第二天后我们就接棒了。我胜选的事实大大提升了我们的经济。如果我没有获胜,经济就会下滑。而且,坦率地说,如果由于某种原因发生在2020年大选中,你会看到经济会走下坡路。我现在就告诉你。

Q Mr. President, do you have any idea on when China’s going to follow through on their (inaudible) and crack down on fentanyl?

THE PRESIDENT:  They want to follow through very quickly.  This was part of the conversation that we had.  They had a special representative actually come over and talk to us — a different group — and a message to me, a very strong message to me.  They want to start doing that very quickly.  I’ll be honest, I’m not there yet.
总统:他们想要很快跟进。这是我们谈话的一部分。他们有一个特殊的代表实际上过来和我们交谈 - 一个不同的小组 - 给我一个信息,给我一个非常强烈的信息。他们想要很快开始这样做。我会说实话,我还没有见到实际行动。

Q Did you — did you tell Israel to —
问:您有没有告诉以色列 …

THE PRESIDENT:  It’s not China; I’m not there yet.  We’ll see what happens.

I do want to — I really would like to see China, in a humane way, solve the problem in Hong Kong — humanely solve the problem in Hong Kong.  And I think they could do it very quickly.  You know, I said yesterday: I really have a lot of confidence in President Xi.  I know that if he sat down with their representatives, I have no doubt he would solve that problem quickly.
我真的希望看到中国以人道的方式解决香港问题 - 人道地解决香港的问题。我认为他们可以很快完成。你知道,我昨天说过:我对习主席真的很有信心。我知道如果他和他们(示威者)的代表坐下来谈,我毫不怀疑他会很快解决这个问题。

【川普】很快与习通话 相信他能解决香港问题(全文翻译 下)


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