强沃特。(图片来源: Getty Images)
好莱坞巨星强沃特一向以支持川普总统著称,是好莱坞影艺圈中极少数的保守派人士之一。不管在美国大选前或后,他屡次在推特发出视频呼吁支持川普总统,往往发言最后都会加一句“God bless America”上帝祝福美国。
奇怪的是2021年后的2次视频发言,竟然都没有“God bless America”。其中1月4日的视频发言是用“In God”在上帝里,而1月9日的是用“For God's glory shall.”为了上帝的荣耀。不管怎么说,即使是国会暴力事件之后,他仍站在川普那一边,认为真相早晚会水落石出的。
America pic.twitter.com/3EDdW4mpCc
— Jon Voight (@jonvoight) January 4, 2021
有人吗我的同胞美国人,唐纳德·特朗普总统,自南北战争以来,他一直是唯一从左到右处理这种虐待事件的总统。我之前已经谈到过这一点。我们的祖先为真理,和平而战。一种荣幸。亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)为实现和谐而坚持自己的立场。我们的美利坚合众国总统唐纳德·J·特朗普。在对这个国家和美国人民的热爱中一直是一个真正的英雄。这是一项即将在真相与谎言之间展开的战争奖励。
America.My America,your America.We shall not let America sink to these fools who are Democrats.And now some Republicans.Who have jumped to the trails of on righteousness.America land of the free.Will not stand for freedom if we allow these dark clouds of destruction.We must tear down the walls of Jericho.We must not allow our fears to follow the path of evil.We all must rise now.For God now has heard our cries.We all know how this election was false.We all know.But is anyone standing up for the truths?
Is anyone?My fellow Americans,President Donald Trump.Has been the only president to take such abuse from the left and now the right since the Civil War.And I've spoken of this before.Our forefathers battled for truths,peace.An honor.And Abraham Lincoln stood his ground for Harmony and one.Our President of the United States of America President Donald JTrump.Has been atrue hero in his love for this country and the American people.This is awar award that is about to open up now between truths versus lies.
We the people must open our eyes to this truth that this election is by far the biggest scam of 2020.Can justice prevail?Can truth prevail?Well,my friends of every religion race color.This is not arace.This is about God.This now is about safety or trust.Are given truths we all ask Now what will be?How will our nation be free land that once stood with pride with freedom and dreams for the American people.Well my friends.It must still be.And we all will understand this one day because President Trump is standing and will always stand for America's freedom and the words of our greatness.
In God.We trust.Love to you.
America pic.twitter.com/riBqf2pAWM
— Jon Voight (@jonvoight) January 9, 2021
My fellow Americans we shall not weep.But let us give thanks to President Trump for his four years of hard work and love for America.Let us not put our heads down.Let us rise and look to abetter future.Let us praise God.But this understand his plan.Is far greater.I know all are disappointed.But this violence is not who we are.We're love,respect,honor.The ones who destroyed will be accountable.But the ones who truly wanted to share love and respect will be heard.Let us put aside our differences and let America grow.
Let us stand again with pride and we as anation will hold on to the love that President Trump shared with asmall.It's not over.The truth suggests will prevail.For God's glory shall.As well.Love to you.
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