由美中論壇(Midwest China Forum)主辦的題為「中美如何影響對方」的英文研討會,6月25日在芝加哥市中心的帝堡中心(DePaul Center)舉行,研討會圍繞著「中美如何影響對方」的主題展開了分析和論述,其中引出了許多引發深思的論題。本文為演講詳細報導之一。
1. 首先是不受中共控制的程度,這包括精神上、經濟上及家庭成員的自由。即使是那些離開中國居住在美國的中國人,他們仍有可能被中共的糖衣炮彈影響。也可以說他們是在互相利用。
2. 無力擺脫中共控制的人,他們的情緒則完全被中國所擺佈。1947年的中共曾大肆讚美美國政府和美國人民的自由民主精神及他們對中國的支援。而到 1950, 情況就不同了,中國人民被號召「起來反對美帝國主義」。美國前總統老布希曾非常的迷惑,中共的媒體把美國描述成是頭號敵人,而私下裡,中共的領導人們又常常設宴盛情款待美國人。事實是中共並不恨美國,但它需要中國人民恨美國。所以如果美國對中共的獨裁通知的任何非議都會被中國人民理解成「西方反華勢力」的陰謀,必要時中共可以利用這種情緒發動戰爭。
3. 對於親身經歷中共迫害而決定反抗的人,他們的美國情節愛恨交織。一方面
Chinese Perceptions of United States
Jingduan Yang, M.D.
What Does Chinese feel about the United States? The answer to this question may help us to understand the seemingly complicated relationship of the communist China and the capitalist United States. And it may shed some lights how these views will affect the future of Sino-US relationship.
I'm speaking here not as an expert of international relationships but as a Chinese intellectual, who had lived in China, experiencing firsthand how my attitude towards American being shaped by CCP’s propaganda.
I have also had opportunity to observe the China’s strategic changes in its foreign policy. Theses changes are the direct results of the collapse of former Soviet Union and Eastern European communist regime.
It is even more intriguing to observe the dynamic interaction between the United States and China in the last 13 years from outside China. This opportunity is unique because I have access to the information that I did not have before when I was in China.
To talk about how China feels about the United States, we have to separate how the Chinese communist government feels about United States and how the Chinese people feel about the United States.
What determines how CCP feels about The United States? One factor, and one factor only. CCP loves United States, when it can use US to help it strengthen its control of China and Chinese people and it hates United States when US stick with its principles and seriously challenge China's practice of dictatorship and violation of human rights.
In the last 13years, I must say, the Chinese communist regime loves United States a lot more than it hates it. It is because United States has given up its principle of putting freedom and human rights before its trade relationship with China, at least give both equal weight. The unlink the trade with the human right is actually a re-link in a negative way, meaning if you want to do trade with China, do not be serious about China’s human right record.
Because of the trade with the United States and Western countries and because of the technology and monetary investments flow into China in the last 13 years the CCP has been able to accomplish the following:
First, the political legitimacy of ruling China after the Tianann Men Square massacre that had killed the Chinese spirit and endeavor pursuing freedom and democracy. The courtship of Western leaders towards the CCP has convinced the Chinese people that there was no way they were going to get real support from the Western countries against the CCP dictatorship and violation of human rights. Recent incident that Mr. Chen Yongling, a defected Chinese counselor in Sydney was rejected for political asylum by Australia government was an unfortunate prove of this devastating situation. The theory of engaging China is really in practice, engaging CCP regime and disengaging Chinese people. The pursuit for short-term economic interest has made western leaders shy away to tackle worsening record of human right violation and religious and political freedom in China.
Often the Chinese government and Western government tango together in harmony to mislead people that they are working on and making progress in improving human right in China. The hostage diplomacy and human right dialogue was nothing but a show in eyes of people who are suffering and getting no real support.
CCP is also very good at turning every opportunity into a favorable propaganda for itself. Attending a Sunday worship in a state run Church in Beijing, Secretary Rice was trying to show to Chinese (unfortunately Chinese could not see the show) how much she cares about religious freedom, and the CCP capitalizes on this opportunity to show the world the China does have religious freedom.
Second, the rapid build-up of military power which has been made possible by obtaining the money and technology in the process of trading with the United States and other Western countries.
This military super power will enable China to challenge US determination of defending freedom and democracy in Taiwan, and launch a war in the neighboring area that could shift China's internal crisis and strengthening its power and legitimacy of ruling China when it is needed. The cost of course is the interest of Chinese people as always.
I was not surprised to sense the fear among the US diplomats and officials in the governments in dealing with today's China.
When I saw Chinese former president Jiang Zeming was received as the honorary guest in Bush's Taxas ranch, I entertained the idea that guest could be Saddam if he was as powerful and evil as Jiang.
Third, the communist propaganda penetrating Western world which was made possible through its deals with Western media tycoons that want to do business with China. That allows the Chinese government made program be shown freely in US, but only entertaining programs be shown in China.
China has successfully sold the idea to the Western world that China has changed, and that it is no longer a communist regime, but an evolving western type capitalistic super power. We like the freedom of press in the West and Chinese communist leaders enjoy it even more.
Deng Xiaoping’s strategy of developing China in disguise is working. Now, not only majority of Chinese but many Western politicians and people were sold with the idea that the China and the world would be better off with the communist ruling China.
It is a prove hat the theory of transforming China by engaging it became in practice the Western world being transformed by China instead.
In conclusion, it is my observation that CCP leaders love United States and Western countries, they sent their children to the West and money too. They are eager to invite Western leaders and their associates to visit China so they can show them what they want them to see, and it works even better if they allow China to cover their travel expenses. It is not uncommon to see how a politician in US changes its position on China issues after being a guest of Chinese government.
How about the Chinese people? What do they feel about the United States?
It is more complicated question to answer. There are at least several factors determining their feelings towards US.
1. How free they are from the control of CCP. It includes spiritual freedom and family freedom and financial freedom. Even for people who had expressed their feelings by leaving China and chosen to stay in the US, their feeling can change because the various social, economic attraction CCP can provide them, and the way CCP treats them today was so different to when they were living and working in China. China needs them and they need China, a nice tango again.
2. For those who have no way to escape the control of CCP, how they feel about the US depends on what the Chinese government wants them to feel. In 1947, The CCP praised the US and US people for their freedom and democracy and support to Chinese in its official news editorial, but in 1950, it made Chinese to fight a war against the 「 American imperialistic obnoxious wolves」. The President Bush senior was puzzled when he was working in China by the fact that Chinese media portrayed US as the most evil enemy on the earth but CCP leaders hosted parties for them and are extremely friendly to them in private. The matter of truth is the CCP does not hate US but it needs Chinese people to hate US, so any US voice concerning misdemeanor of Chinese dictators will be automatically dismissed by Chinese people as a Western conspiracy against China. And they can also be manipulated to go for war or demonstration when CCP needs them.
3. For those Chinese who experienced first hand persecution and decided to fight instead of identifying with the abusers have more mixed feeling towards the US. They are grateful that US provides them with protection and personal support. But they feel sad to see how the Chinese government and US play political games sacrificing Chinese people and American people’s interest. They feel betrayed at times.
4. For those whose information source are controlled by the CCP of course hate US in general, it is why 80% Chinese people using the internet cheered for the down of the Twin Tower and thought US should be punished. Further more, some Western Internet and communication high tech companies are helping CCP censoring information and developing Internet blockage technology. Worst of all, CCP also use the Internet to spread its ideas, sometimes in the name of a third party, giving Chinese people a false sense of information freedom. These people shall hate US even more when they know someday what US government and US companies have done with CCP government and knowingly ignored their fundamental rights as a human being. This maybe why the Iraqis are not all grateful to US for being liberated either way.
In conclusion, The US has a choice to make today, choosing to take a side with the Chinese communist regime or with Chinese people, to continue engaging Chinese regime and cultivate its yet the worst foe for US to deal, focusing to engage Chinese people who are fighting for themselves and making peaceful transition to a free and democratic China. US must help to facilitate the golden revolution by helping promote free flow of information in China, as we are seeing today with the wave of resigning association with the CCP after the spread of Nine Commentaries on Chinese Communist Party. It is a critical and rare opportunity for US to make a right choice, a choice benefiting Chinese people, US and the world.
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【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。