英國《衛報》(The Guardian)2月1日頭版頭條刊登了喬納森.弗裡德蘭(Jonathan Freedland)評論文章《我們說再見的那一天》(The day we said goodby),探討了英國社會民眾對正式脫歐的錯綜複雜心情。
THE GUARDIAN: The day we said goodbye #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/3jq8n3c6dQ
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) January 31, 2020
《泰晤士報》(The Times)今日頭版頭條稱,在英國脫歐公投結束後第1,318天(加1個小時),英國取消了自己的歐盟成員國資格。
THE TIMES: Farewell to EU #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/7yfuCMDdVp
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) January 31, 2020
《太陽報》(The sun)以英國首相鮑里斯.約翰遜(Boris Johnson)的承諾作為頭版主題,選擇了「Make leave not war」作為標題 。
Tomorrow's front page: @BorisJohnson last night vowed to heal bitter Brexit divisions as Britain left the EU after 47 years. https://t.co/u6H1tb8ckK pic.twitter.com/iH6J5ZnoGN
— The Sun (@TheSun) January 31, 2020
《蘇格蘭太陽報》(The Scottish Sun)2月1日則是將蘇格蘭首席大臣尼古拉.斯特金(Nicola Sturgeon)圖片放在頭版,反對總理拒絕第二次獨立公投。標題:「Get it up EU Boris!」
Tomorrow's Scottish Sun front page pic.twitter.com/4jPqdTRQws
— The Scottish Sun (@ScottishSun) January 31, 2020
《每日快報》(The Daily Express)頭版文章則是以樂觀態度評論英國脫歐,並有太陽升起的海報。
EXPRESS: Rise and Shine...it’s a glorious new Britain #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/DGJBEcQTmL
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) January 31, 2020
《鏡報》(The Mirror)頭版以漂亮的英國日出風景,向首相約翰遜發出警告:「Now build us the Britain we were promised...」
MIRROR: Now build us the Britain we were promised... #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/XHyAGTrC2q
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) January 31, 2020
《電訊報》(The Telegraph)頭版則是在展望脫歐下一階段的英國與歐盟貿易談判。
TELEGRAPH: @BorisJohnson ramps up pressure on EU #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/2Xo4gxM5s1
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) January 31, 2020
《每日郵報》(The Daily Mail)的頭版是2019新型冠狀病毒(又稱:中共肺炎),因為英國確診了2例病例。
MAIL: How many more UK victims of virus? #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/dW72mAt2hG
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) January 31, 2020
《蘇格蘭人報》(The Scotsman)則是以蘇格蘭第二次獨立公投為主題。
THE SCOTSMAN: @NicolaSturgeon ‘s fresh appeal for patience in battle for Indyref2 #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/31o9lCTBDE
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) January 31, 2020
《iWeekend》頭版頭條提問了一個問題:「下一步呢?」(What next?)
Saturday's i Weekend: What next? (via @Hendopolis) #TomorrowsPapersToday #BBCPapers pic.twitter.com/6OCudDXYFj
— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) January 31, 2020
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